Circumcised and lacking penis sensitivity ? Try 'Artificial Foreskin'

Power your sexual health journey with a natural and easy solution, to regain sensitivity to your circumcised penis.. When worn daily, you should see and feel the difference within days with our Artificial Foreskin. We have sold over 400,000 since 2005.
At Viafin-Atlas we are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals with penile sensitivity and circumcision issues. Being circumcised can be the root of a wide range of physical and mental problems. Our mission is to provide healthy and natural solutions that can help circumcised (cut) men, who have experienced a decrease in penis sensitivity.
Viafin-Atlas carried out a survey during 2018 - 2024. It was found that 76% of adult men who had been circumcised were unhappy about having their foreskin removed without their consent. The perceived benefits of circumcision have generally been overstated and the harm, discomfort, anger, frustration and lack of sensitivity have been rarely documented. Circumcision causes harm, every time.
Viafin-Atlas Ltd. is registered as a Limited by Guarantee Company in the United Kingdom (2004)
At Viafin-Atlas we offer a natural solution for erectile disfunction, impotence and lack of sensitivity for men who have been circumcised. Our artificial or prosthetic retractable foreskin has been revised and improved over recent years. Over 400,000 products have been distributed since 2005.
Discover the Benefits of artificial or prosthetic foreskin: A revolutionary foreskin substitute
for circumcised men seeking increased sensitivity and comfort, the artificial foreskin offers an innovative and non-invasive solution. If you’re new to Viafin-Atlas, you may wonder where to start. Our product is designed to mimic the natural protective function of the foreskin, helping to restore comfort, sensitivity, and moisture to the penile glans. The replacement foreskin acts as a protective covering that reduces friction against clothing, shielding the glans from constant exposure and desensitization.
Apart from the obvious reasons later in life, which will undoubtably include: a lack of sensitivity, feeling assaulted, mutilated and grieving the loss of a perfectly normal body part which we are all born with, anger and frustration, loss of self esteem. Remember 80% percent of the world's male population are not circumcised and have no intention of undergoing a circumcision. In a survey conducted by Viafin-Atlas Ltd. ( seventy six percent (76%) of adult circumcised men regretted it, or were angry and frustrated that they had been circumcised without their consent as minors.
Circumcision : Over 100 Known Complications and Risks
Complications and risks are much more numerous than most doctors know or disclose
Here are 127
Local and Systemic Infections (21)
Staphylococcal infections, abscess of penis and scrotum, erysipelas, acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, tetanus, myiasis, gangrene of the penis and scrotum, septicemia, Fournier’s gangrene, bacteremia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, lung abscess, impetigo, necrotizing fascitis, scalded skin syndrome, bronchopneumonia, diphtheria, syphilis, tuberculosis, sepsis.
Surgical Complications (35)
Pain (with or without anesthesia), excessive skin removal, excessive residual skin, beveling deformities of the glans, total denudation of the penis, urethral fistula, multiple pyogenic granulomas, subglandular stricture, scrotal trauma, Plastibell retention, pseudoparaphimosis, bivalving, necrosis/ischemia, amputation of the penis and glans, acute urinary retention, urine advancing in subcutaneous fascial planes, unilateral leg cyanosis, gastric rupture, pulmonary embolism, apnea and apparent life-threatening events, pneumothorax, chilling, erythema multiforme, hyperbilirubenemia (jaundice), myocardial injury, tachycardia, heart failure, hematoma, priapism, penodynia, swelling and blistering from topical anesthesia, bruising from injected anesthesia, iatrogenic hypospadias, iatrogenic epispadias, loss of blood supply to the genitals using wrong anesthetic.
Delayed Circumcision Complications (29)
Meatitis, meatal ulcers, meatal stenosis, hidden/buried penis, iatrogenic phimosis, preputial stenosis, penile size change, penile rotation, adhesions, skin bridges, skin tags, keloid formation, subcutaneous granuloma, epidermal cyst, penile edema, penile cutaneous horns, hair strangulation, amputation neuroma, paraphimosis, latex allergy and sensitization, penile chordee, balanitis, lymphedema, urethritis, methamoglobinemia, vomiting, ruptured bladder, urinary tract infection, venous stasis.
Psychological Complications/Risks (26)
For the infant: trauma, disruption of the child-mother bond/insecure emotional attachment, deteriorated feeding, changed activity level, changed sleep patterns, irritability, emotional withdrawal, extended crying, changed mother-infant interaction, maternal distress and regret, increased pain response.
For the boy/man: alexithymia, autism, hyperactivity, post-traumatic stress disorder, low self-esteem, resentment, avoidance of intimacy, depression, anger, shame, distrust, feeling mutilated/damaged/inferior, adverse effects on relationships with parents, compulsive behaviors, feeling betrayed by medical profession.
Human Rights
Violation of the right to an intact body.
Sexual complications and risks (12)
Loss of 25-80% of the penile skin, erectile dysfunction, decreased penile sensitivity, dry and/or keratinized glans, decreased sexual satisfaction, orgasm difficulties, decreased female satisfaction, vaginal dryness, requirement of lubricants, painful intercourse, premature ejaculation, increased masturbation. Buried penis.
Death (2)
From surgical complications which includes hundreds of boys whose cause of death is due to botched circumcision, including sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)